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Designing with Extended Intelligences


With Carmen and Sofie, we explored different and fun things we cna do with AI.


This seminar we learned what the latest news in AI are since advancements nowadays are super fast. It was also nice to learn new tools, like Replit. The replit multimodal tool Modmatrix was great. We were able to modify it and demo in class. As I have a background in programming, it was straightforward. Basically it was a series of api calls. I was kinda hoping for a more challenging activity, rather than just testing out prompts. If I had more time, I would try to go on a deep dive into generative AI models, understand more and figure out how might I be able to use it for my thesis.

I am still conflicted in using generative AI because I dont want to support its exploitative uses. However, I understand the necesity to teach everyone the technology so it doesn’t only fall in the hands of a few.

I also see it as adding another abstraction, of processes and resources, which has its positives and negatives. This more abstrsted infrastructure allows for convenience and universality. On the other side, it could also be weaponized. Truth and transparency are super relevant to me, and it is scary. I am afraid that (as usual) the ones who will be the first and most severely affected are the marginalized.