Design with others

We are not alone

Humans in cities, we are not alone.

We are surrounded by other living beings that seek shelter and food in the same way we do. These species try to thrive in the microhabitats they find in the ocean of cement, tar and concrete that human settlements have become.

This small intervention aims to bring us closer to these other citizens with whom we share space-time. To discover their secret life, their often nocturnal and crepuscular habits, their marvelous forms, their habitats located in small corners, in interstitial spaces, in places not very accessible to humans. Our goal is to create tools that encourage discussion, knowledge, discovery and art with these other beings to foster a healthier interspecific relationship. A relationship without disgust, without fear and full of wonder and respect.


In this intervention, we zoomed in closely, metaphorically and literally, in spaces for other species. Our group, with Dhrishya, Albert, Nicolo, Anthu adnd Panchi, was so passionate about the topic that we had a LOT of ideas.

We are very thankful to Albert, who facilitated the intervention with a group of kids near/within his community. The playful approach of our intervention and this natural curiosity in children are the key elements that I think made the activity work well.

Relating to my overall design project, what I would take from this is that I should be looking for ways to bring out child-like curiosity and trying to bring out in others the same passion that I (in this case, our group) have.