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07-November Session with Laura

The monday session with Laura was all about narrative and story-telling.

Personal vs Narrative vs Narration vs Story-telling


According to Espinosa (to do: look up), Potestas and Potentia, Power as negative/oppressive and Power as positive/empowering respectively, are happening simultaneously.


is an active, ontological process…putting the attention on theh different entanglements

Books to read

  • Sonic Agency by Brandon La Belle
  • Vibrant Matter by Jane Bennett
  • Staying with the Trouble


How were you collected today?

Sunlight felt particularly special that day as I tended to slow my pace as I walked in the few spots where the sun directly hit. Looking back, it was a signal that I needed to heal and recharge (got sick the next day).

String game

We all shared our thoughts about the shared experiences we’ve had,as a class/community, while making this large web of red yarn. String game

Collective story


insert link here


Honestly, I was starting to feel under the weather that day which might be the reason why I was having a hard time grasping the lesson and exercises. What I’m beginning to understand and appreciate is the careful attention that are placed on the word/terms and their meanings. Air quotes have been used frequently.

I am still behind on the things I want to read to better understand the philosophy topics being discussed.

I still don’t know if I’m doing this right.