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BIN GO: Our first Intervention

Check out our instagram page!

We also made this Infographic.


The most interesting and engaging part of our intervention were our internal group meetings, where we try to make sense of the data, think of who our “participants” would be and how would make it meaningful for them. Initially we wanted to find correlations with tourist-related data but did not find any strong correlations. We also thought perhaps the tourists are not the easiest to interact with, they are likely to ignore use or worse, be hostile, if we approached it in a wrong way. But these are assumptions, and I think it is still a possible route for a future interventions.

Our group had generated so many ideas around the topic of waste but many of them were not feasible in the amount of time we had. One of the challenges we faced was this overwhelming amoung of data, from different sources, that we wanted to understand to make well-informed decisions. Many of these were in Catalan, so big thanks to Albert for translating the information.

We were lucky to have visited Urbaser and learning about their waste collection system and the initiatives they had and are doing. We also had the pleasure of seeing their Green Roof which is run by Mr. Joan Bosch.

A Failed Bot

One of the ideas we had was to make a bot in Telegram. Unfortunately, since this is the first time I’ve tried coding one, we were not able to make it work.