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Design Studio 01

Reflection on the First Person Perspective (1PP)

3rd person perspective (3PP) without the self-awareness of it is simply problematic. When we apply this onto the real world, when we actualize projects in the 3PP, it becomes dangerous. I will say that it is an OK starting point for those who have scarce resources.

The 2PP is the closest to my education and training.

The 1PP to me is more of creation of artistic work and creative expression, highly personal and subjective.

I suppose it boils down to how we define art vs design

Reflection on Prototyping

Prototyping is something I enjoy. My view is that prototypes are the precursors to a product or a “final” piece.

While I am familiar with Prototyping, I mainly use it for design practice and not in design research. The discussion on the four roles has shifted my view. Here are the four roles:

  • Role 1: The prototype as an experimental component
  • Role 2: The prototype as a means of inquiry
  • Role 3: The prototype as a research archetype
  • Role 4: The process of prototyping as a vehicle for inquiry

Admittedly it was a little confusing at first, to assign these multiple definitions, opening the term to a broader ‘spectrum’(?). My previous perspective on prototyping revolves around Role 1. Role 2 for me is “Data Gathering”. Roles 3 and 4 seem like more artistic explorations.

My take is Roles 3 and 4, perhaps even Role 2, I think can still be broken down into Role 1. When making a prototype that allows for Inquuiry, it can still be broken down into a subprocess of iterative prototyping. One that still probes a hyptothesis, maybe in a looser fashion.

I might be getting it wayy off here but the emphasis on looking at prototyping, recognizing that the iterative process provides insights, if not answers, to an inquiry is/can be relevant to one’s research.

Reading the reference Prototypes and prototyping in design research brings me more clarity on this topic.

Prototyping Activity

The prompt is to create a new prototype for one of our classmate’s previous project. The new one should function as a different role from the original.

For this activity, I learned about Grayson’s Project: Malau, an app where you enter your food intake and it calculates your carbon footprint. With this information, the user is now more aware of their impact.

The original prototype is an app with a specific purpose - to inform, so I suppose that it functions as Role 1. If the data is collected and analyzed, then it would overlap with Role 2.

For my prototype, I wanted to explore Role 3 and create one that explores/facilitates reflection and discussion. A physical scale for two people/users where they will (in)put their food intake. The scale tips according to their projected carbon footprint. The prototype aims to encourage both people to talk about their food, backgrounds, etc. and perhaps find a way to strike a balance.